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Failed experiment: dockerized builder using ansible

This document describes what would be needed create a builder docker image (for building vrouter agent and extension) by reusing ansible scripts that are already used in the contrail-windows-ci repository to deploy builder machines.

This method of building is not yet supported, but this document describes the steps needed to make it work. It also tries to list the potential obstacles.

This document describes the process from the developer's point of view, but it could be adapted to running in CI too.


Currently, this process is supported only for Windows machines.


Install Docker Community Edition for Windows. Note that:

  • You need to sign in / create to accout to download the installer.
  • You need to choose windows containers (not linux) when installing.

TODO: Is there another installation method?


To execute ansible on Windows Docker containers you need to have:

  1. A container image prepared for connecting via ansible to.
  2. A (virtual) linux machine to run ansible.
  3. (Optionally) To troubleshoot remote connection to container, you need to have the container IP in trusted hosts lists. Depending on the configuration of your system, this may require changing the policy in your domain.

Preparing container for ansible


  • Perhaps there exists a ready container prepared for ansible?
  • There exists an example script ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1. Unfortunately, the microsoft/windowsservercore image does not have the firewall service used by the script, so steps in this scripts need to be run manually. This wasn't finished, and it needs some additional investigation.

Machine for ansible

The preferred way to use ansible on windows machine is to use the Linux Subsystem on Windows. You can install Ubuntu 18.04 from the Windows Store. (18.04 version is needed for the ansible 2.4 to be available. On the older version you can probably install ansible using pip)

Note: Alternatively, you can install ansible and its dependencies also using this python-requirements.txt file from contrail-windows-ci repository with pip install -r python-requirements.txt

Install ansible >= 2.4 using apt:

sudo apt install ansible

There are additional python packages that need to be installed to let ansible connect to Windows machine:

sudo apt install python-requests
sudo apt install python-pip
pip install pywinrm
pip install requests-credssp

The group_vars/windows also need to be configured for windows: NOTE: group_vars, inventory and other scripts would be already prepared, so this step won't be needed for the end user.

ansible_port: 5986
ansible_connection: winrm
ansible_winrm_transport: credssp
ansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
ansible_winrm_operation_timeout_sec: 60
ansible_winrm_read_timeout_sec: 120
ansible_user: Administrator@localhost
ansible_password: 'hunter2'

Container components

Build tools and .NET

Installation of .NET on microsoft/windowsservercore is not supported, but microsoft provides the microsoft/dotnet-framework image.

TODO: Do we need to install multiple .NET versions? If not, this image would be sufficient.

The build tools can be installed on the container following the instruction on this page in microsoft docs. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to finish it, due to some HCS errors. Perhaps it was related to insufficient disk space (before running the Dockerfile I had 50GB free space). Perhaps there is some other way of installing build tools, which I haven't tested.


When encountering weird errors in docker build (the errors may come from HCS), it's probable that they're caused by:

  • Insufficient available RAM/swap on the host machine.
  • Insufficient RAM assigned to container.
  • Insufficient disk space on the host machine.
  • Insufficient disk space assigned to container.