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Structure of vRouter code on Windows

This document describes general structure of vRouter code and implementation details of the most important features including dp-core callbacks, driver lifecycle, packet flow, communication channels and structures abstractions.

vRouter structure overview

The vRouter module on Windows is implemented as NDIS modifying filter driver: the Hyper-V Extensible Switch forwarding extension (see NDIS types overview for more details on NDIS driver types).

The implementation consists of:

  • OS-independent, generic dp-core directory, where the main logic of packet processing is placed,
  • header files in include directory,
  • Windows specific code, including dp-core callback in windows directory; All OS-dependent callcacks required by dp-core are can be found in vr_host.c and vr_host_interface.c files,
  • userspace applications used to read and modify the state of vRouter placed in utils directory,
  • unit tests that can be run in userspace, in test.

Driver lifecycle

Loading the driver

When the driver implementing vRouter logic is loaded, the first function called by the system is a DriverEntry routine, which is responsible for two main things:

Driver states

Filter driver can be in multiple different states. The relationship between them is shown in the diagram below:

Filter driver states

After loading by operating system, the driver is in Detached state: it is detached from the network driver stack. When NDIS calls the FilterAttach function, the driver enters Attaching state. If the operation is successful, the driver enters the Paused state. Otherwise, it returns to Detached state. The main things done in vRouter's FilterAttach function are:

  • allocating switch object containing filter handle, pointers to optional switch handlers and switch context,
  • initializing read/write locks, NBL pool and NB pool,
  • initializing ksync, pkt0 and shmem devices, sandesh transport, vRouter logic and fragment assembler,
  • initializing packet dumping functionality,
  • setting global variable containing number of CPUs.

When vRouter is in the Paused state, it does not perform any network I/O operations. When NDIS calls FilterRestart function in this state, the driver enters Restarting state, and after this operation is complete, it enters the Running state. When restarting operation fails, the driver returns to Paused state. When NDIS calls FilterDetach in the Paused state, the driver enters Detached state and is detached from the network driver stack.

The main responsibility of vRouter's FilterRestart function is handling a scenario when there are no VIFs by implementing single switch logic. FilterDetach waits for all pending OIDs, stops and uninitializes fragment assembler, vRouter logic, sandesh transport and ksync, pkt0 and shmem devices. It also destroys NBL and NB pools and frees all locks.

When vRouter is in Running state, it can perform all network I/O operations. The driver enters Pausing state when NDIS calls FilterPause function. In FilterPause the driver should wait for all pending network I/O operations and all pending OID requests. After that it enters Paused state.

Switch parameters and events

The FilterOidRequest, FilterOidRequestComplete and FilterCancelOidRequest functions are used for handling, processing, filtering and issuing OID (Object Identifier) requests by the NDIS filter driver. The adapter parameters described by OID values includes device characteristics, statistics and configurable settings. vRouter uses the following set of OID requests:

  • OID_SWITCH_NIC_CONNECT - for implementing simple switch logic when there are no VIFs in vRouter. This request is issued to notify switch extensions about completely established network connection between extensible switch port and a network adapter.
  • OID_SWITCH_PARAMETERS - vRouter sends this query and implements synchronous waiting routine which waits for response containing configuration data of the extensible switch. It is used for checking if the switch is active.
  • OID_SWITCH_NIC_ARRAY - used by vRouter for obtaining an array of configuration parameters of all network adapters associated with extensible switch port.

Plug and Play and Power Management events

The FilterNetPnpEvent function is called by NDIS to notify the filter driver about network Plug and Play and Power Management events that was issued for underlying NIC. vRouter handles activation of the switch in this function.

Unloading the driver

The DriverUnload function is called by the NDIS before unloading the driver. It should perform all operations that are necessary before the system unloads the driver. The NdisFDeregisterFilterDriver function should be called from DriverUnload to release all resources allocated previously in DriverEntry routine. If the driver is in any other state than Detached, the NdisFDeregisterFilterDriver function waits for all pending I/O operations and all OID requests and then calls FilterPause and FilterDetach to return to Detached state. In vRouter's case, this order of operation will cause a deadlock, because all pending network I/O operations are cancelled in FilterDetach function, but NdisFDeregisterFilterDriver waits for them to finish before calling FilterDetach. This issue is resolved here by explicitly freeing some resources and doing necessary deinitializations in DriverUnload before calling NdisFDeregisterFilterDriver.

Packet flow

Packet flow is described in separate document.

Communication channels

Communication channels between vRouter kernel driver and user space Agent are described in separate document.

Windows structures abstraction

This section describes all structures used in vRouter as an abstrac wrappers around NDIS structures. All of them were introduced to enable easy unit testing of vRouter's Windows specific logic in user space. All of the wrappers described in subsections below have separate, lightweight implementation in user-mode code.


This is a packet representation in system independent dp-core code. It contains a pointer to the packet data and many other meta-data fields, like data length, offsets to outer and inner network headers, ttl and flags. All of the functions in dp-core code assumes that the underlying memory of packet data that is pointed by vr_packet is continuous. To meet this requirement, Windows-dependent code of vRouter translates non-continuous packets to corresponsing continuous representation before passing the packet to the dp-core (see more in Packet flow section).


WIN_PACKET is an NDIS-independent logic representation of single NBL structure that contains single NB. It represents single packet in Windows-dependent part of vRouter's code.


WIN_MULTI_PACKET is an NDIS-independent logic representation of single NBL structure that may contain multiple NBs. It represents multiple packets received by vRouter from NDIS in single API call. This packets are then split to WIN_PACKET_LIST containing multiple WIN_PACKETs.


WIN_PACKET_RAW is an NDIS-independent logic representation of single NBL structure that contains unspecified number of NBs. Unlike WIN_PACKET and WIN_MULTI_PACKET which are used in the whole Windows-dependent code, WIN_PACKET_RAW is used in internal WinPacket layer implementation.


The WIN_SUB_PACKET structure is an NDIS-independent wrapper around single NB. It is used in fragmentation and segmentation code that splits a packet represented by a single NBL with single NB to multiple packets represented by single NBL containing multiple NBs.


The WIN_PACKET_LIST is a list of WIN_PACKETs. It is created from WIN_MULTI_PACKET before sending all packets for processing by dp-core.


The VR_PACKET_WRAPPER is a structure that bounds the vr_packet and corresponding WIN_PACKET wrapper in a way, that the WIN_PACKET part is invisible to system independent dp-core code. Every time the vr_packet has to be allocated, the whole VR_PACKET_WRAPPER is allocated and processed, and then, before passing to dp-core, the pointer is casted to vr_pakcet. When the packet returns from dp-core to Windows-dependent code, the pointer is casted again to VR_PACKET_WRAPPER.