Advanced Forwarding Interface
 All Classes Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Groups
Here is a list of all modules:
oDataClasses of basic data encapsulations that allow abstraction and re-use across the Aft interface
oDe-encapsulationClasses used to manage packet de-encapsulation
oEncapsulationClasses used to manage packet encapsulation
oEntriesClasses that define the core Aft forwarding entries in lookup nodes
oName TablesClasses used as the core of name lookups for Aft
oNodesClasses that define the core Aft forwarding nodes
oPortsClasses used to define and manage input and output ports for Aft
oToken ManagementClasses used as the core of token management for Aft
oFields and KeysClasses used to define packet fields and associated field/data tuples expressed as keys
oAftFilterClasses used to define Aft filter support
opktClasses for accessing and managing Aft packets
oAftParametersClasses used to define optional node and entry parameters
oSandboxClasses for accessing and managing Aft sandboxes
oServerClasses used to define the underlying server classes and architecture
oTransportClasses used to define and manage Aft client/server communications