Advanced Forwarding Interface
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCAftDataBase class for all Aft data classes
|oCAftDataEtherAddrData class for Ethernet MAC addresses
|oCAftDataIntData class for all integers
|oCAftDataIP4AddrData class for IPv4 addresses
|oCAftDataIP6AddrData class for IPv6 addresses
|oCAftDataLabelData class for MPLS labels
|oCAftDataPrefixData class for byte-array prefixes
|\CAftDataStringData class for strings
oCAftDecapEntryIndividual entry in the de-encapsulation table
oCAftDecapTablePrimary class for managing de-encapsulation entries
oCAftEncapEntryIndividual entry in the encapsulation table
oCAftEncapTablePrimary class for managing encapsulation entries
oCAftEntryBase class for all Aft entries
|oCAftDeleteEntryClass used to delete the referenced entry
|\CAftFilterTermBase entry for all Aft filter terms
oCAftFieldSimple class for describing packet (and other types) of fields
oCAftFieldEntryClass used to describe an individual field entry
oCAftFieldTableTable that holds all the known and legal fields for a sandbox
oCAftInsertTransactional insert used for inserting sandbox state
oCAftKeyTuple class for associating AftField and AftData values
oCAftNameTableMaster class for managing token/name mappings
oCAftNodeBase class for all Aft nodes
|oCAftContinueImplicit continuation operation
|oCAftCounterThe basic counter class
|oCAftDecapPacket de-encapsulation class
|oCAftDeleteNodeClass used to delete the referenced node token
|oCAftDiscardDiscard class
|oCAftEncapPacket encapsulation class
|oCAftFilterBase node for all Aft filter instances
|oCAftFilterTemplateNode used to define a filter template
|oCAftIndexedListIndexed list class
|oCAftIndirectIndirect reference class
|oCAftListSimple list class
|oCAftLoadBalanceLoad balancer class
|oCAftLookupKey lookup class
|oCAftMatchSimple two-way conditional class
|oCAftPlaceholderNode to act as an interim placeholder
|oCAftPolicerSimple policer class
|oCAftPortBase class for all port classes in Aft
||oCAftInputPortBasic input port class
||\CAftOutputPortBasic output port class
|oCAftReceiveHost receive class
|oCAftSandboxLinkNode to allow output ports to jump to another AftSandbox
|oCAftSwitchStatic multi-part conditional class
|oCAftTableIndex table container class
|oCAftTreeVariable-length key lookup tree container class
|oCAftVariableSandbox variable class
|\CAftWriteMetadata field write class
oCAftPacketPrimary class for Aft Packets
oCAftPortEntryIndividual entry in the port table
oCAftPortTableMaster class for managing either input or output ports
oCAftReceiverVirtual base class used as a receiver destination for all sandboxes and transports
|\CAftSandboxPrimary class for managing Aft nodes and entries
oCAftRemoveTransactional insert used for removing sandbox state
oCAftServerBase virtual class used for all servers
oCAftTokenEntryIndividual entry in the token table
oCAftTokenTableMaster class for managing token allocations
oCAftTransportLargely virtual base class used for all Aft transport implementations
oCAftTypeEntryClass used to describe an individual type entry
oCAftTypeTableTable that holds all the known and legal types for a sandbox
\CAftValidatorBase virtual class used for all data validators
 \CAftSandboxPrimary class for managing Aft nodes and entries