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Heterogenous Contrail Deployment: Linux + Windows

The following procedure allows the operator to bring up heterogenous Contrail deployment. It will consist of at least one Contrail Controller (CentOS machine) and at least one Windows Compute node.

Note: if you encounter any problems during or after deployment, see troubleshooting section.

1. Prerequisites

To deploy Windows Contrail, you will need:

  • Machine with CentOS 7.5 installed (for Contrail Controller),
  • Machine(s) with Windows Server 2016 (for Windows compute nodes - please see requirements below),
  • Machine for running Ansible playbooks (Linux CentOS or Windows with WSL). This can be your laptop. You need Ansible v2.4.2.

Requirements for Windows Server 2016 machine:

  • Minimum hardware requirements:
    • 2 CPU,
    • 4 GB RAM,
    • 60 GB HDD.
  • Virtualization support must be enabled:
    • in case of a bare metal - enable VT-x in BIOS,
    • in case of a virtual machine - please see Hypervisors for configuration details.
  • Newest Windows updates should be installed.
  • Windows machines should have different hostnames.
  • Windows machines should be accessible using the same set of credentials.

2. Enable Ansible remoting

On each of the Windows hosts enable Ansible remoting:

# PowerShell
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1
.\ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -DisableBasicAuth -EnableCredSSP -ForceNewSSLCert -SkipNetworkProfileCheck

3. Configure Contrail-Ansible-Deployer

On the Ansible machine:

  1. Clone the Contrail-Ansible-Deployer repository:

    # bash
    git clone
    cd contrail-ansible-deployer
    vim config/instances.yaml
  2. Fill in the config/instances.yaml file. See the instructions below on how to do it.

Example configurations

Refer to examples of instances.yaml file in Contrail-Ansible-Deployer repository:

  • config/instances.yaml.bms_win_example if you have already deployed Contrail controller and you only want Windows compute nodes
  • config/instances.yaml.bms_win_full_example if you want to deploy Contrail controller, Openstack and Windows compute nodes together. This is only useful if you want to use Keystone for auth.
  • config/instances.yaml.bms_win_no_openstack_example if you want to deploy Contrail controller (without OpenStack) and Windows compute nodes together


You will need to know the IP addresses of CentOS and Windows hosts.

  • For Windows computes use bms_win dict instead of regular bms.
  • You need to add vrouter and win_cnm_plugin roles for Windows compute nodes.
  • Set WINDOWS_PHYSICAL_INTERFACE to dataplane interface name (run Get-NetAdapter from PowerShell to list available interfaces on Windows compute node). If your Compute nodes have only one interface, specify it. Otherwise, you can split data and control planes between two interfaces - you can choose. Refer to Contrail documentation regarding data and control plane separation.
  • If interface name contains spaces, enclose it between quotation marks.

[FIXME] Windows Contrail dev build - deployment configuration

Currently, only unsigned and debug builds of Windows Contrail components are available. As a result, the following configuration is also required:

  • In BIOS of every Windows node you need to disable secure boot.
  • Add WINDOWS_ENABLE_TEST_SIGNING option and leave it empty. This option configures Windows Server to allow installation of unsigned drivers.
  • Set WINDOWS_DEBUG_DLLS_PATH to path on Ansible machine containing MSVC 2015 debug dll libraries.Since user space Contrail components are build in debug mode, to run them on Windows Server the following dlls are required:

    • msvcp140d.dll,
    • ucrtbased.dll,
    • vcruntime140d.dll

    MSVC 2015 debug DLLs can be obtained by installing Visual Studio 2015. After installing Visual Studio they should be located in C:\Windows\system32\.

    You should copy them to the ~/dll directory on your Ansible machine and point WINDOWS_DEBUG_DLLS_PATH variable to this directory. Make sure they are 64-bit.

Contrail controller configuration

Configure Contrail Controller it would be a normal controller node for a Linux ecosystem. Refer to Contrail-Ansible-Deployer wiki.

If you wish to use keystone as authentication service on controller:

  • Add openstack-* roles to the controller node and set CLOUD_ORCHESTRATOR to openstack
  • Fill Keystone credentials and Kolla config. Refer to config/instances.yaml.bms_win_full_example.



4. Run Contrail-Ansible-Deployer

Proceed with running Ansible playbooks:

  • If you have already deployed the Controller or if you want to deploy Controller without OpenStack (noauth mode):

    sudo -H ansible-playbook -i inventory/ playbooks/configure_instances.yml
    sudo -H ansible-playbook -i inventory/ playbooks/install_contrail.yml
  • If you want to deploy controller with OpenStack (Keystone auth):

    sudo -H ansible-playbook -e orchestrator=openstack -i inventory/ playbooks/configure_instances.yml
    sudo -H ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/install_openstack.yml
    sudo -H ansible-playbook -e orchestrator=openstack -i inventory/ playbooks/install_contrail.yml

Important: you can re-run any ansible-playbook, but you shouldn't change their order. E.g. if you already ran install_contrail.yml, then rerunning configure_instances.yml may lead to errors.

5. Verify deployment

  1. Run Invoke-DiagnosticCheck.ps1 script from tools repository on Windows compute nodes. If deployment went correctly, all checks should pass.

    Note: to quickly have the ability to run this script on your Windows nodes, you can use the following snippet:

    Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile Invoke-ScriptInRemoteSessions.ps1
    Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile Invoke-DiagnosticCheck.ps1
    .\Invoke-ScriptInRemoteSessions.ps1 -ScriptFileName ".\Invoke-DiagnosticCheck.ps1" -Addresses "<IP1>,<IP2>" -Credential (Get-Credential) -OtherParams...

    Consult the README on how to configure the diagnostic script (it's safe to run, so don't worry about misconfiguration).

  2. Refer to usage documentation to learn how to create networks and containers.

  3. (Optional) Refer to usage examples and run manual tests. Refer to this document.

6. Maintain

  1. (Optional) Upgrade Windows Contrail to newest version. See upgrading section.