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Upgrading existing deployment

Deprecation warning: the need for cleanup phase will be removed in the future. This documentation section will be updated when it happens.

Warning: this will remove all traces of Windows Contrail, along with any containers, networking and configuration. Redeployment procedure will configure all the services correctly. However, the containers and networking must be recreated manually by the user (according to usage).

Currently, upgrading Windows Contrail deployment consists of two steps:

  1. cleanup of Compute nodes,
  2. redeployment using Ansible playbooks.

This will result in rolling out the newest containers from opencontrailnightly repository.

[FIXME] 1. Cleanup

Run Clear-ComputeNode.ps1 script from tools repository for each Windows Compute node that needs upgrading.

Note: to quickly have the ability to run this script on your Windows machine, you can use the following snippet:

Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile Clear-ComputeNode.ps1

Consult the README on how to configure the script.

Note: you can use Invoke-ScriptInRemoteSessions.ps1 script from tools repository to execute the cleanup script on multiple remote nodes at the same time.

2. Redeploy

Follow the deployment procedure as normal, supplying newer versions of Windows Contrail containers. By default, deployment Ansible playbooks will pull the latest images.